Dampak Perubahan Kimia Tanah Dan Produktivitas Tanaman Jagung Dan Kacang Kedelai Akibat Aplikasi Mulsa Jagung Dan Pupuk NPK Pada Tanah Ultisol


  • Andika Polen
  • Dilan Ramadan


Changes in Soil Chemistry, Plant Productivity, Corn, Soybeans


This research aims to highlight the impact of changes in soil chemistry and productivity of corn and soybeans as a result of the use of corn mulch and NPK fertilizer on Ultisol soil. The research method used was a field experiment with a randomized block design consisting of four treatments, namely: (1) without mulch and NPK fertilizer, (2) without mulch with NPK fertilizer, (3) with corn mulch without NPK fertilizer, and (4) ) with corn mulch and NPK fertilizer. The parameters observed include changes in soil nutrient content (for example nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), soil pH, and crop yields from corn and soybeans. The results showed that the application of corn mulch and NPK fertilizer significantly affected soil nutrient content and plant productivity. The addition of corn mulch increases soil nutrient retention and soil pH, while NPK fertilizer increases nutrient availability for plants. The productivity of corn and soybeans also showed a significant increase with the application of these two treatments. This research provides important insights into the benefits of a combination of corn mulch and NPK fertilizer in increasing soil fertility and plant productivity on Ultisol soil.






How to Cite

Andika Polen, & Dilan Ramadan. (2024). Dampak Perubahan Kimia Tanah Dan Produktivitas Tanaman Jagung Dan Kacang Kedelai Akibat Aplikasi Mulsa Jagung Dan Pupuk NPK Pada Tanah Ultisol. BISMAP : Bisnis Dan Managemen Perkebunan, 1(1), 01–11. Retrieved from https://journal.poltek-kampar.ac.id/index.php/BISMAP/article/view/6