Potensi Transformasi Biji Kopi Asalan Menjadi Produk Kopi Berkualitas Tinggi "Grande"


  • Aluna Kristiani
  • Abil Evino


Potential, Transformation, Original Coffee Beans


This research investigates the potential of transforming random coffee beans into high quality coffee products known as "Grande". The analytical method involves tracing the processing process of original coffee beans until they become Grande coffee, with a focus on processing, grinding and packaging techniques. Product quality evaluation is carried out through sensory tests and chemical analysis to ensure that Grande coffee meets the quality standards desired by consumers. The results of this research identify significant potential to increase the added value of original coffee beans through transformation into high quality "Grande" coffee products.






How to Cite

Aluna Kristiani, & Abil Evino. (2024). Potensi Transformasi Biji Kopi Asalan Menjadi Produk Kopi Berkualitas Tinggi "Grande". BISMAP : Bisnis Dan Managemen Perkebunan, 1(1), 33–44. Retrieved from https://journal.poltek-kampar.ac.id/index.php/BISMAP/article/view/8