Sistem Pengelolaan Perdagangan Tanah Urug melalui Microsoft


  • Kate Jessica -
  • Harris Maulana -


Management System, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Access, Sales Report


In today's era, the need for progress in science and technology is increasing. The development of computer science which is increasingly advanced and sophisticated shows this. Computer-based information technology makes it possible to process data into information quickly, accurately and neatly. As a company that operates in the mining sales sector and in line with the rapid growth of the Indonesian economy, the sales sector is also growing rapidly. In Indonesia, the government has issued policies and legislation to improve the quality of mining. mineral and coal mining law No.4 of 2009, as well as government regulation No.23 of 2010.




How to Cite

Kate Jessica, & Harris Maulana. (2024). Sistem Pengelolaan Perdagangan Tanah Urug melalui Microsoft. TERLUGAS : Jurnal Teknologi Dan Rekayasa Logistik, 1(1), 29–43. Retrieved from