Analisis Dampak Proses Produksi Terhadap Pendapatan Pengusaha Kakao


  • Aria Kurniawan
  • Isti Rahmawati


Analysis, Impact, Production Process


This research aims to analyze the impact of the cocoa production process on the income of entrepreneurs in the cocoa industry. The analytical method used includes direct surveys of cocoa entrepreneurs to identify various factors that influence their income in the production process. The variables observed include production costs, efficiency of resource use, cultivation techniques applied, as well as external factors that influence harvest yields and cocoa bean quality. The results of this analysis provide a better understanding of the relationship between the cocoa production process and entrepreneurs' income, as well as provide insight into improvement efforts in increasing income in the cocoa industry sector.






How to Cite

Aria Kurniawan, & Isti Rahmawati. (2024). Analisis Dampak Proses Produksi Terhadap Pendapatan Pengusaha Kakao. BISMAP : Bisnis Dan Managemen Perkebunan, 1(1), 12–32. Retrieved from